The Little Kickers program is designed as a continuation of the basic soccer skills introduced in the Mini Kickers program. Some programming might be a little different than normal. LITTLE KICKERS *We are following COVID's health and safety guidelines.
What to bring? Just cleats or tennis shoes comfortable clothing, a water bottle and be ready to have some fun! Thursdays 9AM l Fridays 4:00PM l Saturdays 9:00AM Thursdays 9AM l Fridays 4:00PM l Saturdays 9:00AM (Full) Mini Kickers sets a very basic foundation for playing the sport of soccer. Unique tools and lesson plans ensure that the children are introduced to the basics of soccer in a creative and fun-filled environment. The Mini Kickers program is designed as an introduction to basic soccer skills for 2 and 3 year-old boys and girls who wish to participate in a 4-class session filled with movement, jumping, running, juggling, shooting, dribbling, and passing soccer balls, with parent participation. *We are following COVID's health and safety guidelines. MINI KICKERS *We are following COVID's health and safety guidelines.